joi, 20 septembrie 2012

Guest post by Nely Cab

Andy and Bill’s Story
By Nely Cab
The first day of kindergarten at my new school sucked. We had just moved to Texas from Chicago and I didn’t know anyone. I told my mom I didn’t want to go back the next day because I didn’t make any friends and a little boy with the biggest brown eyes I had ever seen wouldn’t stop starring at me.
During recess I had watched the rest of the kids run around and play in groups. I was too shy to join in. Then there was that little boy that kept looking at me with those huge brown eyes. He had walked over and asked me if my skin was made of chocolate. No one had ever made me feel so different and self-conscious. He hurt my feelings, and I immediately decided I didn’t like him.
The next day, my dad dropped me off at school and I cried and clung on to his coat until the teacher took my hand and told me to take a seat. I didn’t like this new town. My teacher was nice, but I had no friends. I wanted to go back to Chicago.
During recess, I sat on one of the old swings at the playground. The big-eyed little boy came back to bother me.
“My name’s Billy. I brought you a lollipop,” he said, stretching out his hand with the candy in it.
“I don’t like you. You’re mean. Go away.” I wrinkled my nose.
Billy looked like I had just broken his crayons in half. “Well, you’re ugly, and I don’t like you either.” He frowned and stuck his tongue out at me before turning to run away.
Five minutes later I saw Billy walking toward me again. He was smiling like Chucky from Child’s Play. I slid off the swing and made my way to the monkey bars.
“Hey wait,” Billy called after me. “I wanna show you something.”
“No,” I said to him over my shoulder. “Go away.” I continued walking until I had almost reached the teeter totters. Just then, I felt something slimy and moist sliding down my back, through the inside of my shirt. Horrified, I screamed and cried. A little girl with long, brown hair and green eyes jumped off the teeter-totter and pulled out whatever was sliding down the back of my shirt. She held it up for me to me to see. It was a frog! A horrible ugly frog!
“Here you go, Billy,” she said.
Billy walked to retreat his new pet, laughing. The brown haired girl stepped toward that nasty Billy boy and as he opened his mouth to draw in air from his hysterical laughter, the girl shoved the frog in Billy’s mouth. Billy gagged and spit the frog out. I stopped crying to look at him, and then laughed. Now that was funny.
The girl walked to me and said, “He likes you. Boys are gross like that.”
“Thank you,” I smiled at her, noticing how green her eyes were.
“I’m Isis. You wanna be friends?” She asked.
I nodded, “Yes.”
Then before we could exchange anymore words, the principal dragged Isis off.
I was sad that she wasn’t at school the next day, but the day after that Isis came back and told me she had been suspended for one day because of what she had done, and so was Billy. That’s when I asked her the most important question in a five year-old’s life, “Isis, do you want to be best friends?”
“Okay,” she said. “Let’s go find Billy and throw ants at him.”
I shrugged. “Sure.” One of the teachers caught Isis attacking Billy with Red ants and Isis had to go to the office again. I sat on the swings by myself. I didn’t see when Billy came to stand next to me. He placed a heart-shaped lollipop on my lap.
“I’m sorry,” he said and walked away.
Billy didn’t speak to me again until I was in high school. The boy with the big brown eyes starred at me for nine years, and shyly, I starred back at him. One day, at the end of my freshman year in high school, Billy walked up to me and put a heart shaped lollipop in my hand.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked.
“No frogs this time?” I wondered.
Bill shook his head. “I’m unarmed
I looked at his big bronze eyes and smiled. “Then, yes.”

  For my romanian readers : Guest post tradus in romana de mine
            Povestea lui Billy si a lui Andy 
   Prima zi de gradinita la noua mea scoala a fost nasoala.Numai ce ne mutasem din  Chicago in Texas si nu stiam pe nimeni.I-am spus mamei ca nu vreau sa ma intorc a doua zi pentru ca nu mi-am facut niciun prieten si un baiat micut cu  ochii mari si caprui se tot uita la mine.   
   In timpul pauzelor ma uitam la restul copiilor cum fugeau si alergau in grupuri.Am fost prea timida ca sa ma alatur lor.Apoi era baiatul acela care se tot uita la mine cu acei ochii caprui.El a venit la mine si ma intrebat daca pielea mea este facuta din ciocolata.Nimeni nu m-a facut sa ma simt atat de diferita si de constienta de sine.El mi-a ranit sentimentele si chiar atunci am decis ca nu-mi place de el.
   In urmatoare zi tatal meu m-a lasat la gradinita si am plans si m-am agatat de haina lui pana cand educatorul meu m-a luat de mana si mi-a spus sa i-au un locNu-mi place noul oras.Educatorul meu este dragut dar nu am prieteni.Vreau sa ma intorc in Chicago.
  In timpul pauzelor am stat pe un leagan vechi.Baiatul cu ochi mari a venit la mine ca sa ma necajeasca.
  -Numele meu este Billy.Ti-am adus o acadea a spus el intinzand mana cu acadele.
  -Nu-mi place de tine.Esti rau.Pleaca m-am strambat din nas. Billy arata de parca i-am rupt creioanele in jumatate
 -Ei bine tu esti urata si nici mie nu-mi place de tine.El s-a incrunta si mi-a scos limba inainte sa plece.
  Cinci minute mai tarziu l-am vazut pe Billy venind  din nou spre mine.El zambea ca Chucky din Child’s Play.M-am dat jos de pe leagan si m-am indreptat spre barii.
   -Hey,asteapta,a strigat Billy dupa mine .Vreau sa iti arat ceva.
   -Nu am spus uitandu-ma peste umarul meu.Pleaca.Am continuat sa merg pana ajuns aproape de de balansoar.Doar atunci am simtit ceva lipicios si umed alunecand pe sub tricoul meu.Ingrozita am tipat si m-am apucat de plans.O fetita micuta cu parul lung si brunet a sarit de pe balansoar si a scos chestia de sub tricoul meu.Ea a tinut-o ca sa o vad.Era o broasca !O broasa urata!
  -Uite aici a spus ea.
   Billy a venit sa isi i-a noua mascota razand.Fara bruneta a pasit sper baiatul ala urat si cand el a deschis gura sa traga aer ca sa  se calmeze din rasul sau isteric,fata a bagat broasca la Billy in gura.Billy s-a inecat si a scuipat broasca afara.M-am oprit din plans ca sa ma uit la el ai apoi am inceput sa rad.Asta era amuzant.Fata a venit la mine si a spus:
  -El te place .Baieti sunt niste brute
  -Multumesc! I-am zambit observandu-i ochi verzi.
  -Sunt Isis.Vrei sa fim prietene a intrebat.
   Am incuvintat.Da.
  Inainte de a mai spune ceva directorul a venit si a luat-o pe Isis.Am fost trista cand ea nu a venit la scoala ziua urmatoare dar a 2 ziua s-a intors si mi-a explicat ca a fost suspendata o zi pentru ceea ce a facut la fel ca si Billy.Atunci am intrebat-o cea mai important intrebare din viata unui copil de 5 ani.
  -Isis vrei sa fim cele mai bune prietene?
  -Ok a spus.Hai sa-l cautam pe Billy si sa aruncam cu furnici in el
  Am ridicat din umeri si am spus.Sigur
  Unul dintre educatori a prins-o pe Isis aruncad cu furnici rosi in Billy si Isis a trebuit sa se intoarca din nou  in biroul directorului.Am stat singura in leagan.Nu am vazut cand Billy a venit langa mine.El a pus o acadea in forma de inima pe picioarele mele .
 -Imi pare rau a spus si a plecat.
  Billy nu a mai vorbit cu mine pana la liceu.Baiatul cu ochi mari  s-a uitat la mine timp de noua ani si timida m-am uitat si eu la el.Intr-o zi la sfarsitul primului an de liceu Billy a venit la mine si mi-a dat o acadea in forma de inima
  -Vrei sa fi prietena mea a intrebat
 -Nicio o broasca de data asta am intrebat
  Billy a scuturat din cap.Nu am arme.
  M-am uitat in ochii lui mari de bronz si am zambit.Atunci da.
         Thank you Nely for this lovely guest post !


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